If you’re considering an EMBA program, you are probably also thinking about how you will pay for it. Approximately one-third of Wharton’s EMBA students are sponsored by their employer. Support ranges from full tuition to partial funding. Other students finance their degrees through personal savings, student loans, and external scholarships. Think about your personal financial situation to decide what is right for you. Try to look at it as an investment in your future that will pay off over your entire lifetime.
Read what these alumni have to say about their investment in Wharton’s EMBA program:
“[This program] can have a big impact on your career in terms of future earnings. That may not always show up right away, especially if you change industries or launch a startup, but over time you see the benefit. … Wharton EMBA students have a very high rate of satisfaction from their degree.” Prof. Kent Smetters.

“I considered the tuition an investment in myself. I still believe it is one of the better investments I’ve made so far in my investment career – and I will continue to see a return on this investment for years to come.” — Lisa Osterling, WG’14

“In my first year at Wharton, my consulting company was hired by a classmate. Between the knowledge and network, Wharton has already proven to be a great investment.” — Edward Sullivan, WG’16

“I worried about the cost-benefit tradeoff and the loans I needed. My CIO asked me if I would regret not going to Wharton 10 to 15 years from now. The answer to that question was simple: Yes. So, I decided I would make it work.” — Michael de Vera, WG’20

Learn about the specific costs, tuition, scholarships, and financing options for the Wharton EMBA Program
Student Loans
Many EMBA students use loans to pay for part or all of their education costs. Students select the educational loan providers of their choice. Wharton does not endorse any specific lender nor receive compensation from any lender. We encourage students to compare the fees and terms of all student loan products to determine which ones are best suited to their individual needs.
Learn more about loan options for Wharton
EMBA Scholarships
The Wharton EMBA program awards several scholarships to incoming students. These funds are based on the individual and the applicant pool as a whole. No scholarship application is necessary. Consideration is automatic.
Check out the organizations listed below for external scholarship information: