Wharton Stories: Philadelphia

“Somehow, over the generations, everyone has young kids, and somehow, everybody comes out just fine.” – Clement Pappas, WG’09

A Brand Built by Fathers and Sons

“These new concentrations allow students to further demonstrate their aptitude in multiple disciplines of business.” – Dr. Richard Waterman, Deputy Vice Dean for Wharton’s EMBA Program

Wharton’s EMBA Program Gains Two New Concentrations in Healthcare, Business Analytics

“These are people with families, jobs, and lives, and they’re doing this program for the right reasons. They take the course content and immediately weave it into their professional and even personal lives – that’s what it’s all about.” – Professor Peter Fader

Why Prof. Peter Fader Loves Teaching Executive MBA Students

“Most people on the venture had never been onboard a tall ship, much less navigated one. I wanted to challenge myself to work with a new group of people under conditions I have never encountered before.” – Claudia Olsson, WG’24

Navigating Tall Ships, Entrepreneurship in Wharton’s EMBA Program

“I’ve seen students evolve and gain so much confidence throughout their two years with us. It’s more than just the coursework at Wharton; students gain a huge professional network, a group of lifelong friends, and exposure to many different types of industries and professionals.” – Jennifer Craig, Philadelphia Class Manager

Meet Wharton EMBA Class Manager Jennifer Craig

“So much of being an entrepreneur is being scrappy, learning off the cuff, and making it work, which is hard to teach in a classroom. But at Wharton, I became fluent in the language of business.” – Abby Greensfelder, WG’02

From Creative to CEO: How Wharton Unlocks the Business of Entertainment

“The faculty are not just experts in their fields; they’re also mentors who want to see their students succeed.” – Brandon Cohen, WG’18

How Two Wharton EMBA Alums Constructed New Business

“My investors have told me that after I joined Wharton, they saw a difference in my confidence and ability to communicate the business plan.” – Qing Wang, PhD, WG’23

Wharton Empowering Entrepreneurs

“While pursuing the Wharton MBA as a working parent is demanding, it is indeed feasible. It revolves around setting priorities, effective time management, and having a supportive network.” – Christopher Hayden, WG’24

Father’s Day Reflections: EMBA Student Shares Advice for New Parents

“I’m excited to bring more of what I’m learning at Wharton to the Make the World Better Foundation (MTWB) to refine our community building process and share it with other cities around the country.” – Connor Barwin, WG’23

Connor Barwin, WG’23, on the Intersection of the NFL, Wharton, and Making the World a Better Place