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Wharton Executive MBA
Facts & Figures
Class Profile
The Value of Wharton MBA
EMBA Academic Calendar
MBA or EMBA, Which is Right for Me?
The Benefits of an Executive MBA
Executive MBA vs Master’s Degree: What’s the Difference?
Differences Between the GMAT, GRE, & EA for Executive MBA
Our Three Cohort Options
Program Details
Academic Departments
International Study Opportunities
What Will Your Weekend Be Like?
Balancing Work, Life, and EMBA
Philadelphia and San Francisco
Tuition and Financing
Careers & Network
EMBA Impact
Career Services
Alumni and Network
EMBA Stories
Career Advancement & Transition
Government & Not-for-Profit
Health Care
Work/Life Balance
For CA Students
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How To Study and Prepare for the GMAT, GRE & EA
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Wharton Stories:
Real Estate
“The faculty are not just experts in their fields; they’re also mentors who want to see their students succeed.” – Brandon Cohen, WG’18
How Two Wharton EMBA Alums Constructed New Business
Students share their perspectives on what it’s like to be Hispanic in The Wharton MBA Program for Executives.
Four Hispanic Student Perspectives At Wharton: The Journey To An MBA
Mark Spector, WG’15, uses knowledge and tools from Wharton to negotiate real estate deals and lead development projects for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
How Wharton’s EMBA Program Impacted this Graduate’s Career at the Intersection of Real Estate and Government
After transitioning from consulting to real estate following graduation, Jeff Hedges, WG’15, found that his MBA training and credential helped him move quickly into the C-suite.
Why This CFO Calls Wharton’s EMBA Program a ‘Powerful Credential’
AKT Investments CEO and President Chrysanthy (Chrysa) Tsakopoulos Demos, WG’18, earned an MBA and gained skills, confidence, and credibility to lead a multi-generational family business that has helped shape the Sacramento region.
Five Ways that Wharton’s EMBA Program Helped this Alumna Take the Reins of Her Family’s Business
Jonathan Macias has found that Wharton’s EMBA program has already helped boost his LA-based real estate company.
Five Reasons Why this Successful Real Estate Entrepreneur Went Back to School
Student Combines Real Estate, Military, and Business Experiences in African Venture
“The EMBA program has given us a very unique opportunity to apply what we’ve learned during the past two years to make a difference in the development of Africa, starting with real estate.”
African Real Estate Development Venture Makes Big Impact in Cameroon
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