Wharton Stories: The Wharton School

“Somehow, over the generations, everyone has young kids, and somehow, everybody comes out just fine.” – Clement Pappas, WG’09

A Brand Built by Fathers and Sons

“There are a lot of changes I would like to see and be a part of in sports. The diversity of thought that Wharton provides is crucial for me at this point in my career.” – Hig Roberts, WG’25

How an Executive Navigates Identity and Inclusion in Business

This is the first of several installments in the “My Global Business Week” series. Share in the journeys of Wharton EMBA students who venture across the world to learn with Wharton’s acclaimed Global Business Week program.

My Global Business Week Experience: Argentina

“As a Wharton grad, I feel prepared for any challenge because I have this community of people standing by me for life.” – Neha Rastogi, WG’24

Finding Lifelong Community in Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives

“These new concentrations allow students to further demonstrate their aptitude in multiple disciplines of business.” – Dr. Richard Waterman, Deputy Vice Dean for Wharton’s EMBA Program

Wharton’s EMBA Program Gains Two New Concentrations in Healthcare, Business Analytics

“I was looking for a solid, rigorous foundation in management, strategy, operations, and finance to help me make a larger impact in healthcare.” – Dr. Luke Day, WG’24

Advancing Healthcare Leadership in Wharton’s EMBA Program

“Yes, Wharton is a ton of work. But it’s 100% worth it.” – Marcio Oliveira, WG’22

How Wharton’s EMBA Program Is Helping This Student Hit the Ground Running at Peloton

Aman Goyal, associate director of undergraduate student life, writes about creating a more inclusive work environment through the Wharton Intergroup Dialogue & Inclusion Team (WIDIT).

Leading Conversations on Diversity & Inclusion with Wharton Staff

All around the world, MBA students are connecting virtually with alumni in their own cities through the new Wharton Alumni Welcome program.

Community Away from Campus

From donations to delivery services for at-risk populations, the Wharton community is joining in the fight against the pandemic.

How Wharton Students Are Supporting COVID-19 Relief Efforts