Wharton Stories: Clusters and Cohorts

“There are a lot of changes I would like to see and be a part of in sports. The diversity of thought that Wharton provides is crucial for me at this point in my career.” – Hig Roberts, WG’25

How an Executive Navigates Identity and Inclusion in Business

“As a Wharton grad, I feel prepared for any challenge because I have this community of people standing by me for life.” – Neha Rastogi, WG’24

Finding Lifelong Community in Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives

“The faculty are not just experts in their fields; they’re also mentors who want to see their students succeed.” – Brandon Cohen, WG’18

How Two Wharton EMBA Alums Constructed New Business

“The best part about serving in the military is the people you serve with, and I’ve found this same sense of comradery with my fellow Wharton vets. From day one, we became a very close-knit group.” – Gia DeHart, WG’24

Honoring Veteran Students in the Wharton MBA Program for Executives

Senior Fellows Patrizio Cernetti, WG’16, and Jon Soberg, WG’09, mentor students working on real-world data projects.

How Wharton Customer Analytics Connects Alumni, Students, and Companies

After being “in the trenches” together for two years at Wharton, classmates are “the obvious first calls we make when we need advice or see an opportunity,” said Clay Andrus, WG’19, who now works with Nick Smith, WG’19, and Dan McCarty, WG’19.

Why EMBA Alumni Often End Up Working Together

Jennifer Povlitz, WG’14, and Chris Pitzak, WG’07, say the shared EMBA experience creates a powerful alumni network.

Why So Many Wharton EMBA Alumni End Up Working Together

From COVID-19 and job search algorithms to growing Pepsi’s data analytics, Richard Kerr, WG’20, is applying his Wharton knowledge to make a global impact.

How Wharton’s EMBA Program Helped this Alumnus Pivot from Animal Science to Data Science

All around the world, MBA students are connecting virtually with alumni in their own cities through the new Wharton Alumni Welcome program.

Community Away from Campus

Pooja Bansal, WG’20, came to Wharton looking for a career in Silicon Valley, but ended up finding the “perfect opportunity” at a classmate’s veteran-based mortgage firm.

How Wharton’s EMBA Career Resources Helped this Alumna Pivot from IT to HR