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Wharton Executive MBA
Facts & Figures
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The Value of Wharton MBA
EMBA Academic Calendar
MBA or EMBA, Which is Right for Me?
The Benefits of an Executive MBA
Executive MBA vs Master’s Degree: What’s the Difference?
Differences Between the GMAT, GRE, & EA for Executive MBA
Our Three Cohort Options
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International Study Opportunities
What Will Your Weekend Be Like?
Balancing Work, Life, and EMBA
Philadelphia and San Francisco
Tuition and Financing
Careers & Network
EMBA Impact
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EMBA Stories
Career Advancement & Transition
Government & Not-for-Profit
Health Care
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How To Study and Prepare for the GMAT, GRE & EA
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Wharton Stories:
Vanessa Folkerts, WG’20 and Jason Chen, WG’21, won for their proposed e-commerce marketplace serving pharmacies in rural Kenya.
Wharton MBA Team Wins First Prize in Global Business Case Competition
Tulika Garg, WG’21, and Wenshan Wang, WG’ 22 — who each received a $15,000 scholarship and one-on-one mentorships — talk about the value of supporting women in top MBA programs.
Meet the Wharton EMBA Recipients of the Financial Women of San Francisco Awards
Learn about student programming, events, and other ways to get involved with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative for the spring 2019 semester.
6 Ways to Get Involved With Social Impact This Semester
The Wharton Analytics Accelerator Summit offers students across the University a chance to team up with others to build models for real companies to solve business problems.
Wharton Analytics Accelerator Summit Gives Students an Opportunity to Apply Classroom Knowledge to Real Business Problems
EMBA classmates Bianca Gonzalez, NU’08, WG’19, and Janak Agarwal, WG’19, pooled their experience and their resources and launched a venture to combat inefficiencies in the health care system.
Three Resources These Student Entrepreneurs Used to Accelerate Their Health Care Startup
The second year of the Penn Wharton Entrepreneurship Startup Challenge, a 2.0 version of the Wharton Business Plan Competition, brings together Penn entrepreneurs and alumni investors to help student startups break through.
What You Can Expect at the Penn Wharton Startup Showcase
By graduation, we had nailed it. We had a complete road map of the product and user experience. We had everything down from pricing to unit economics.
How a San Francisco Alumnus Launched and Sold a Mobile Marketplace App
“My role is as an executive coach to work with students interested in pursuing entrepreneurial activities. I’ve been through the spectrum of entrepreneurship and can help students identify their goals and plan their next steps.”
Executive-in-Residence Provides Entrepreneurship Support in Philadelphia
“The EMBA program has given us a very unique opportunity to apply what we’ve learned during the past two years to make a difference in the development of Africa, starting with real estate.”
African Real Estate Development Venture Makes Big Impact in Cameroon
“The time management skills you already have as a working mom put you way ahead of the pack. You already know how to juggle and get things done. So don’t be afraid of applying. You can do this.”
The Advantage of Being a Mom in Wharton’s EMBA Program
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